A few years ago I meant a young girl through our Now I lay me down to sleep photographer, Tricia. Her name is Sarah and she was in High School when she became pregnant with her daughter. She and her boyfriend were so excited to welcome their precious daughter, Lauren, into this world. But, when Sarah went into labor they found that Lauren had passed away. I cannot imagine the emotions she felt losing a child at such a young age. As an adult it is horrible and Sarah was still a child herself. Today is Sarah's Birthday. I couldn't find anything I felt appropriate for her, so I wrote something myself. This is my gift to Sarah, from Lauren.
Happy Birthday from Heaven Mom
I am looking down on you
wishing I could be there
with hugs and kisses too
helping you blow out your candles
filling your heart with love
but here I sit in Heaven
watching you from above
know I love you Mommy
I miss you everyday
I have the best gift though
watching you as I play
I know you want to hold me
and that you miss me too
who would of thought
instead of you watching me grow up
I am watching you
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